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Until now, the Army II Yıllıkları'nda, encyclopedias and many other popular publications, the Army region was conquered along with Trabzon in 1461 by Mehmed II is written.
Therefore, researchers who wish to learn about not only their regions, and is easily accessible orduluların studying the mind of these publications, this incorrect information is located. However, the region, not by the Ottomans, 1380'lerde, was conquered by Hacıemiroğulları; was annexed by the Ottomans in 1427.
Wrong, is not composed of only the subject of the conquest of the region. As a result of cultural changes in our country under the influence of XIX.yüzyıldan area from the spread of positivist thought, the historical society, of identity and continuity of its scientific research and traditional knowledge that was subjected to analyzes made without departing from the mistake actually studied the wholesale destruction from rejected, which has become the region's conquest of Pay in the tombs and historical perform personalities, and the superstitions of the believers are described as free publications mentioned above. Thus, the period of six hundred years of Turkish history, conveniently forgetting the military region have been pushed out of date. That is why, XIX.yüzyılda, sonucunca decline of the Ottoman Empire's influence in the provinces of the Ottoman Empire feeding on the various political ambitions with the help and support of the great powers, Greeks and Armenians settled in the region before and during the National Struggle Memories unrest produced a pre-Integrates with Turkish minds bulandırılmıştır thoroughly. Researched as a serious inquiry into the history, facts-based konulmadığı unless there clearly is no such thing of course to encounter such a scene.


We are now here, at the end of this article about the research area, and some basic resources introduced in the framework of the Army, the Army into a two-paragraph Yöresi'nin state before the Turks, the area and more broadly how the Turks had conquered and settled, and try to explain the general structure of the Ottoman period. This, no doubt, a depiction of a detail and not a date, will consist of emphasis on some important points.

The Greek historian Xenophon (dMÖ.431) 'The Return of the tens of thousands (1962, 1984), named according to the work. Central and Eastern Black Sea region, in about 400BC, Kolhlar, Driller, Mossinoikler, and Tibaren Halibler, such as indigenous peoples living in non-Greek origin.

M.Ö.675 the URLs from this region, respectively, Cimmerians, Miletoslular (Milesians) (656'larda), Persians (M.Ö.547 'de), Alexander of Macedon (334 BC' te) and commanders ( M.Ö.312-280) is dominant. After this region, which lasted a lifetime of about three and a half centuries Pontus Empire (M.0.280-MS63) looks. In this state, the Roman Empire, and eliminates the time and in the region 395 takes over the division of the Eastern Roman Empire, and despite a reduction in pulling into his shell, and in 1461 Sultan Mehmed II in Constantinople in 1453, until the conquest of Trabzon to protect the existence of through. This is an important event to be mentioned together, no doubt a matter of spreading Christianity in the region in MS324.

As is known, in 1204, Istanbul was conquered by the Latins, on which the Byzantine dynasty I.Andronikos Komnenoslar's grandsons Alexios and David fled from Istanbul to Trabzon Trabzon Empire came and established with the support of the Georgian queen Tamara (1204 - 1461). As is known, Mehmed II put an end to this state. It is obvious that, however, still under the domination of the state and ranging from Giresun These are from the Middle Black Sea Region, in other words, the Army and the region by the Ottomans, but in a long process 1270'lerden 1380'lere other Turkish groups ranging from especially as a result of the struggles Haji Emiroğullarının conquered. Must be dealt with in a serious way on this conquest. Because of this, private armies, but not a conquering army of indigenous people carried out the neck eğdirerek organized in the form of hackneyed one end is the conquest of the people, this conquest, the new earth, uniting the people a new way she got there, and they settled in a matter of a conquest that took place in the form of vatanlaştırması. The military and social history of the region during the Ottoman period, during and after the conquest, is nothing but a continuation of restructuring. For this reason, the Army's ethnic and social structure of the Ottoman era, political, religious and economic history in order to understand how to conquest after conquest, this region has occurred and how to know and understand the social, administrative and economic structure should be formed. Now try to see it briefly. But first, what is happening behind the mountains of Trabzon Empire Canik should take a look.


It is clear from the above detailed description, at the beginning of XIII century, the Black Sea, Samsun, Trabzon, Rize and Canik mountain peaks in the State of the coast extending from (1204-1461) had. Istanbul in the hands of the Latins. Established in the State of Nicaea in western Anatolia. They are all out of the Anatolian Seljuks, by the XI. settlement of a century since the Turks were opened, and here was built a powerful civilization of the Muslim Turks. Seljuk Empire to the Black Sea from Sinop, Trabzon undoubtedly threatened. Trabzon 1223'te expedition conducted by the Seljuks, the result did not. However, in general Seljuks dependent Trabzon state, respectively. However, the process of living together in peace between the two states in 1243 but continued until the invasion of Anatolia by Ilkhanate.

The short duration of the Mongol dominance in Anatolia, but it led to great changes in the structure of the region. The most important reason for this variation, the Mongol invasions, but many Turkish tribe XI. century, as was that migrated to Anatolia. These tribes were forced to take control of Ilkhanate. Already in the last Ilkhanid governors rebelled against the center. This for two reasons, XIII. and the second half of the XIV century. Many Turks in Anatolia, was established early in the century principality.

Eretna Ilkhanid governor of Uyghur origin, after the rebellion, a series in 1341, declared its independence. Center of Sivas to Kayseri and then Eretna State (1335-1381), Erzincan, Ankara, Turkey, Tokat, Amasya, Samsun, Nigde, Niksar and Karahisar'ı regimen. 1352'de Eretna'nın death, instead of his son Mehmed 1359'da If it's been weakened in the state of his union also ended in the death of Central Anatolia. The governors declared their independence. Christians in particular, new Turkish principalities emerged in the border regions. They beylikleriydi Turkmen gas.

The principalities of those bordering the State of Trabzon, Sivas State Eretnalıların Burhanuddin substitute Kadi, Bayburt and Erzincan Beys, central Milas (Mesudiye) with the Haji Emiroğulları Taceddinoğulları Principality Principality, and has central Niksar. Trabzon, the Turkish state and a confederation of tribes, and again the Akkoyunlu State in eastern Anatolia were in the relationship. As we have seen many small and large Turkish political formation of Trabzon State had wrapped up with condition.

Army and the surrounding area was conquered by the Turks XIV.yüzyılda, Trabzon we will learn about state relations around the Turkish Beylikleriyle two important sources are available. One of them, who noted the great events of Trabzon Trabzon State Panaretos'un Kronik'i palace historian, the other one, which is near Kadi Burhaneddin Aziz b. U-i Esterabadi'nin Erdeşir Bezm Rezm (çev.M.Öztürk, the Ministry of Culture Publication, Ankara, 1990) at work.

According to these sources, Trabzon Empire XIV. Is in conflict with the Turks during the century, first half-century of mutual relations with the ongoing raids, even if later emperors of Trabzon by their daughters to marry Turks beyleriyle form of preparation into environments and relationships, and thus establishing peace, protecting assets, however it still continues to dominate, and we understand conflicts .

Indeed, from 1276 Mehmed Bey, Konya, Karaman walk on the occasion, the Emperor of Trabzon, Sinop 1277'de attacked from the sea, but were defeated by Çepni, it followed the coastline to the east of Samsun on the Turkish groups have progress some of the Black Sea highlands the mountains In the Turkish groups, Harshit River, Aksu, Melet Juice, Bolaman River valleys and the like began to descend towards the coast. The distance from the highlands to the beach, about 70-80 km. This is a short distance up, probably due to the mountainous terrain, but within a span of 120 years fethedilebilmiştir. This 120-year period, Trabzon, the Turkish Empire, was fought between the two groups. Some of them, would be appropriate to remind Panaretos'un Log, action [1].

Lengths Cepni, 1297'de Ünye conquered, moving towards the east of Trabzon organized flocking. But Cepni group, Giresun 1301'de defeated. Haci Bayram Bey, the founder of the principality Emiroğulları 1313'te, a market place in the Empire arrived in Trabzon. Hamsiköy 30 August 1332, he went to relatives, but is repelled back.

1340'da Komnenoslar, Trabzon, south of Highlands Akkoyunlu attacks. Akkoyunlu, 1341 and the influx of Trabzon 1343'te do a few times. But I can not reach the purpose of a party, either party suffers a loss of people and goods to a large extent.

In June 348 Tural Akkoyunlu Bey Bey Bey Mirror Ahi Gıyaseddin Erzincan Judge, Judge Bayburd Turkmen chiefs Rikâbdâr Bozdogan Mehmed Bey Bey and North East Syria, in alliance Trabzonu encircle the three-day return after the war, giving a very lost and eaten.

Despite the defeat of the Turks, scroll to a number of Turkish city of Trabzon along the neck and back çekilebilmeleri kuşatabilmeleri, psychologically Komnenosları be extremely weakened. For this reason, the search for the Turks enter into friendship. For this purpose, the king's sister, Kyra Maria (Despina Hatun), in 1352, Akkoyunlu Kutluğ Bey Bey (Turali'nin son) and evlendirilir.

However, this marriage could not lead to permanent peace. In fact, probably believing that electronic power Komnenoslar, Panaretos'un words "complying with the devil" in September 1356, against Şiran'a at time and a lot of people lose interest and go back to 400.

1357'de Komnenoslar, and Moss Cape on the birth of Jesus is "Lights Festival" to celebrate and four Turks killed on the way. According to this expression of Panaretos'un, that is to say, the Turks during that circulate on the beaches.

Haci Bayram 1358'de son, Emir, Macka and is surrounded by a flock of layouts and many spoils. That same year, the king will begin preparations for the marriage of his daughter with Theodora.The Bayramoğlu Emir Hadji.

In July 1361. Macka and its surroundings, this time selecting Bayburt Latif Hakimi teacher organizes a raid four hundred soldiers, but military off guard and he has hunted down and killed six. The cut begins, as a sign of victory, circulates around Trabzon.

Haci Bayram Emir's son walked over, the same year, Giresun, the Turks settled in valleys Harşit up; Kürtün Melik Ahmed Bey "Bedreme" (Bedirme) (Petroma) Hisarını "conquered. In December, the king of Komnenoslar out Halibya'ya, Haji Amir came to the land of Giresun I have followed has been enslaved, and some Turks.

In October 1362, Erzincan Mirror Ahi Bey Bey, Gümüşhane Bahcecik (Golacha) surrounds the castle. However, can not succeed. Bubonic plague, throughout the year (lymphadenopathy) and a plague epidemic disease causes the death of many people. Migration leads to various diseases and severe heat of summer.

Again this year Taceddin Celebi, the daughter of the king to demand.

The king's son in 1365 Kutluğ Emir Bey, his wife, Kyra Maria (Despina Hatun) comes to visit with kayınpederini Trabzon.

In January 1369'un, Kılıçarslan Komnenoslar country (Chaldée) enters Papua New Guinea and Bahcecik (Golacha) i fell into the hands of the Turks. The locals, or dies during the battle, lost or region mağaralannda sinister.

King of Trabzon, in January of 1373, against the time comes Şiran'a, but resist the Turks and forced to return due to severe winter. Christians killing one hundred and forty Turks, becoming a major portion of the cold waste.

The king's daughter with Chalabi evlendiriyor Taceddin taking Ünye Eudocie'yi.

In February of 1380, King III, Alexios, on Harşid Çepni walks around the creek. Soldiers Petroma two branches (Bedirme) regions of the castle and up Harshit plundered, destroying each side, taking up a mess of blood and fire. Vakfıkebir save ships that have passed into the hands of the Turks. But resisting the Turks also have to face. There are many people on both sides.

Süleyman Bey in 1386 as head of the principality of Hacıemiroğulları, 1396/7 in Giresun ultimately conquers. Thus, the central Black Sea region to Giresun, never to be seen in a more up in the hands of the Turks.


Panaretos'un personal diary of those years, according to the relations between the Turkish principalities around Trabzon Empire and it consists of a summary. However, it is not possible to think of these relationships are reflected in the entire log. Because the log concerning the king himself, attended by his own, or again mentioned in the events which he himself had to confront. Additionally, the Turks who want to advance towards the coast highlands of locals wanting to put against them, the hundred-year period, there were hundreds more of the event, but it is not too hard to imagine that they reached by writing to us. Thus, when evaluating the data obtained from the area 1455 dated Tahrir Book, it is clearly understood that the accuracy of the claim. Apparently, one hundred years of struggle, punctuated by the conquest of Giresun region at the end of all the assets of the Turks, wife and children, settled with their families, public housing policy by applying a set up their own schemes. Fatah is finished, in general, a large part of the region's indigenous communities, no one survives. In the domestic area only, or perhaps that was conquered by the Seljuks or Danisments İskefsir (Reşadiye) and Milas (Mesudiye) parts of the Turks and Christians, who are used to living in a nested or 1390'lardaki Habsamana during the last campaign of conquest (Golkoy). Bolaman, Vona, and cough that can protect assets such as the castles and the conquest of the region after taking refuge with the Turks until zimmi Lausanne where the status of the very few Christians who continue to pursue their lives has remained popular. Book Now with the data basis for this interpretation Tahrir's try 1455.

As is known, the Ottomans conquered non-Muslims or other Muslims in a region when they annexed the Turkish emirates, land survey, which means a kind of ratio, ie the spelling of the yaptırıyorlardı tahririni. Annexation of the region is the Army edilince yazdırılmıştı 1427'de. Yet been addressed in this book, however, which contains the result of spelling did not pass. In the second spell, along with other parts of the empire, the time of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror took place in 1455. Here are the results of my writing this book mentioned above, which contain well-preserved and Defter'dir published by the Turkish Historical Society.

According to the Book of Tahrir Army official name of this region, Vilayet-i-i Bayramlu Canik me'a İskefsir and Milas. And Milas İskefsir separately mentioning the names, I think that, as stated above, is due to fact that the conquest and settlement of different styles. Names of sub-administrative units in this province is extremely interesting. These are, respectively guestbook entry is as follows:

1. Parish Geris Part-I-i (-i kethuda takrir ez Mustafa, dîvânbaşı)

2. Niyabet Army Part-I-i bi-ism-i 'Alevi (ez-i kethuda takrir Bahaeddin)

3. Bedirlu Part-I (ez-i kethuda takrir Routledge and Seydi Ali; aforementioned niyabet dîvânbaşı-t-i mentioned)

4. Seydi Ali kethuda Part-I,-t Bozat dîvânbaşı

5. Part-I-i 's son David kethuda Beğmiş, of course-i Bendehor

6. Subject to the Divan-i-i Bendehor Elmalu (takrir ez-i Ahmad kethuda Seydi, Elmalu mentioned dîvânbaşı-il)

7. Kethuda Ebulhayr Part-I, the Court-i Bendehor dîvânbaşı moment.

8. Part-I-i Alibeğece Geris (ez-i kethuda takrir Hasbun, dîvânbaşı)

9. Niyabet township-i-i Fermüde (ez-i kethuda takrir Fermûde Hussein, dîvânbaşı)

10. Hafsamana niyabet-i (-i Found takrir kethuda ez, dîvânbaşı)

11. Fidâverende Part-I (Mr. Shepherd grooming dizdar-i-i-i Hafsamana Kal'a, mefruz 'an-i the said Court Hafsamana)

12. Sold niyabet-i-i Bayram (ez-i Bayezid takrir kethuda, dîvânbaşı)

13. Part-I-i Çamaş niyabet (takrir ez-i kethuda Entertainment, dîvânbaşı)

14. Geris niyabet Part-I-i-i Bolaman (ez takrir ...)

15. Geris niyabet-i-i-i The old township (ez-i Ibrahim takrir kethuda, dîvânbaşı)

16. Geris niyabet-i-i Şayiblü (ez-i Ismail takrir kethuda)

17. Geris niyabet-i-i aka Sevdeşlü Ulubeğlü (ez-i kethuda takrir ...)

18. Milas township-i

19. Kebsil niyabet-i (takrir ez-i 's son, Mustafa kethuda and Kadem Shamsuddin and Pir-i Cakir kethuda kethuda. Three Dîvân place):

Pir-i-i 's son Kadem kethuda a.Bölük Cakir (takrir ez-i mentioned) [2]

kethuda b.Bölük-i Shams, dîvânbaşı, of course-i Kebsil [3]

c.Bölük-i Mustafa kethuda, dîvânbaşı-t-i Kebsil niyabet

Kırukili 20.Niyâbet-i (i kethuda ez takrir-Sheikh, dîvânbaşı)

The squadron was back, the Divan, the Court, dîvânbaşı, niyabet terms such as the region is extremely important to understand the management structure of society and gives tips. Moreover, this structure, the pre-Ottoman, in other words, reflects the structure after the conquest. I believe the depth of these terms should be examined in another place before I had partially analyzed [4]; now want to draw attention here, especially on the word division.

As is known, the tribe terminological meanings of the word one, a certain number of Turkish soldiers, the military organization of a union. In the above context that the administrative province of Ordu 1455'te an administrative unit in the organizational scheme seems to be. Divan, the names of the administrative unit in the same way niyabet and Canton. Divan region's financial perspective, niyabet judicial point of view, appeared in Canton at the end of the discretizations of the phrases seem to be geographically. There are also geographical Geriş'in meaning. Directly to Part II of a human group, refers to a military union. Therefore, in terms of human relations and the settlement is very significant. As mentioned earlier, certainly by the Army in Emiroğulları 1390'larda Haji, ie the year 1455 and settled in tahririnden was conquered 65 years ago. That these divisions, military units organized in the style of tribes and clans that settled here after the conquest of the region. Bölük'ün has settled an administrative unit in each section. During the early conquest, as the name of the person is given the name of this administrative unit. Most of them clearly understood. For instance, the Parish [5], Badr (LU) [6], Seydi Ali kethuda, David kethuda, Ebulhayr kethuda, Alibeğece, Fidâverende, Sold Bayram-ı, Camas, Requirement, Şayiblü, Sevdeşlü (Ulubeğlü), Mustafa kethuda, Shamsuddin kethuda Cakir personalities like Pir-i 's son and Kadem kethuda either themselves or their fathers, and played roles bölüklerinin active troops, beginning with himself fetihte settled in the conquered areas of the region at this time he undertook the task manager. Thus, during his conquest of the region's personality şahsiyetlenmiş it there and gained a new identity.

Between the administrative unit names, personal names are outside the six names: one of them, the Army bi-name is Alawi. This cema'atin Hacıemiroğulları as belonging to the family name. In the Army tradition of naming the state comes from the center of the Turks. Indeed, the existence of the south of Wednesday's Taceddinoğulları Principality center still preserves the name of the village, and today the Ordu [7]. In the other two units, however, on the basis of the Turkish tradition, nature, status and Kirum-province names tesmiye Elmalu been reported. The name of only three units, the names of indigenous peoples are given before: Milas, and Bolaman Hafsamana.

Nomenclature of the victor's name, or company names, place names is not limited to just Canton, bölük'ün villages in various sub-groups set up in different places, a few families in their own names before the administration of the departments, then settled them in the name of the village or as a team gave biçtikleri mezra'aya . Names of individuals identified with the names of Tahrir Book Dated 1455, this village is possible to see hundreds of examples [8]. For instance, let's open Defter'in chance of a place. Sevdeşlü'nün encountered the same registration are as follows: "Kary-i Sevdeşlü, son-i-i Sevdeşlü yurd; eşküncü müsellemlerdir" (s.219). Here it is: a Turkish village called Sevdeş and was founded by people who belong to him. These groups belong to the military, called Müsellem and still is fulfilling this task. Land in this village, as the right of conquest has been Sevdeşlü homeland tribe. In this note the names and duties of the household head Defter'de counted twenty-two. All of these people, some of the Muslim Turks yamaktır Müsellem others. Among them there are imams and sheikhs. Sevdeş name still lives today. Because this village due today Alacalar Aybastı'ya village has maintained its existence as Sevdeş neighborhood.

Possible to count hundreds of examples like this. 1455 because the time of writing, the names of the father's name among the inhabitants of the villages mentioned in the same name as the village is seen that the party alive. For instance, the son of David Kethüdâlık Beğmiş Beğmiş-lü'dür the name of the village. Ahmed Ahmed Malik, son of Haji Ahmed-tuple name of the village sits, the son of Sheikh Pir Musa Dede Dede Dede şeyhlik Moses-the name of the village. Identification with their father's names or the names of persons living in the village 1455'te fact, most of these villages was established a generation ago, and has been inhabited by people who are mentioned.

Almost 65-70 years after the conquest, the family heads in the Tahrir movement recorded in Book, according to the calculations, the population of the province's army consisted of 6651 Muslim family of Turkish and 526 Greek Christians. Christians 360 family, I think is called the Seljuks conquered time Milas (Mesudiye) also lived. This castle was an important side of the southern mountains Canik. Surrendered to the Turks, the status of zimmi likely to be entered. Canik plateaus extending from the beach and in the field Fatsa, Giresun, in the north coast of the Middle Black Sea region, where only six, Bolaman, Vona, cough, and Habsamana Bendehor castles existed in the ring was a Christian. The sum of these consisted of 166 households. I think that they are also mentioned during the conquest took refuge in forts, besieged on all sides but the condition they are left in hopes of salvation then delivered, and the status of the Turkish rule adopted zimmi. These, together with the region settled by conquest proportions according to the Turkish population is extremely low, only 7.9% from the forward. Before the rest of the indigenous people of Turkish mentioned above, especially the last one hundred years of conquest and during the process of fighting or had fled or had disappeared on the battlefield. Which was dominated by the Turkish Muslim who converted to Islam There were almost no Christians. Already, during and after the conquest, the Christians, who had surrendered and zimmi status, assets, and continued until the period of the National Struggle in Greece, the Turks had been exchanged.

Italian traveler Clavijo Semerkand'a while passing through the Army in 1402, the region's "Erzamir" (Hacıemir) is in the hands of a Turk, the brain and indicate that the army under the command of a cavalry consisting of 10,000 persons. This figure shows the number of families of the Muslim Turks living in the reign of Mehmed II Army region compared with the 6651 figure, a conclusion can be interesting here: So, as a soldier in Clavijo'nun people talking about, others can be said that a normal family chiefs. Because these two figures seem close to each other. The difference is, I think that the so-called era of Fatih İskefsir Resadiye Army and the population of which is connected to the notebook, and this part is missing, because of the failure to include this population in the areas of Hacıemiroğulları Principality Fatsa-Ünye due to being. When the population of these regions, including the almost 10,000 families Hacıemiroğulları population is not known.

Within the framework of this digression, "the Turkish nation army-nation" epigram is possible to see the historical reality. As we have seen the conquest and settlement of the region, the Turkish tribes and the tribes, not only by members of the military nature, was carried out with the participation of all family members. Each family has already seen the head of household is treated as soldiers. So whether the military conquest of the region, professional armies, conquering a region and country alike. For this reason, I kind of conquest, the settlement movement through the country to obtain the wholesale conquest, I say. And I think that the historical documents on the basis of the above is to show a clear form of conquest and settlement in the Seljuk period, which is applied to a large part of Anatolia, and the structure of the country's population and culture form the basis of conquest and settlement. This move by the Ottomans and the Balkans to Anatolia to the West continued.

Here's the Army surrounders region after conquering the remaining 7.9% of domestic Christian public (526 households), a large segment of the population that make up the rest of the population in 6651 and then the houses of Moslem Turks on the changes occurring in the population means. The population of Christians, 1485'te 5.5% to a decrease in the population of the Turks in this period has düşmüştür.Gerçi. Because the Trabzon Empire abolished in 1461 by Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror and the region's population has shifted eastward. However, the Turkish population greatly increased after that, although the trend of reduction in non-Muslim population entered before, then 1613'lerde a very slow increase, but the 594 households have been promoted. The 593 also Mesûdiye'dedir digits. Shamsuddin Nâhiyesi'nde a Christian living in households. In addition, no Christian population did not stay in the region. The population of the Turks, rose to 20 970 households. Christians in the proportion of total population, 2.8% [9]. In other words we can say. XVII. beginning of this century, from west to east and from north to south Fatsa-Giresun Mesudiye-Reşadiye the region between the Black Sea and the Muslim Turks, an ethnic clan except not at all.

However, XVIII. century onwards, a new Christian population in the region, especially XIX.yüzyılda started to flow. These are generally settled in the cities or güzlelere empty until then. For political reasons, settled appreciable. Weakens the central authority of the Ottoman Empire, they began to take action against the Turks in the region, revealing how chaos; the inappropriate actions of their national struggle and the country after the Treaty of Lausanne, led to exclusion.

If we make an assessment on the basis of individual, not on the basis of family, the Army within the boundaries of region mentioned above, the general population, while in 1455 36 855 72 689, this figure has been 1613'te. During this period the population density increased, but does not represent an important area. Just because some of the central districts of the region's population today is almost the same because it is about numbers. Another feature of the population in question is the fact that the dynamic and young population. But not yet married at the age of marriage in the total population of young men 1455'te rate of 9%, while 40% were 1613'te.


The social structure of the population in the classical Ottoman period, he was presenting a landscape. It is obvious that the area was urban. - Because I did not have a place in this period may be termed the city in the region. Center of the region is understood to have an accident today i muhterife Eskipazar'da 1455'te 16 households of community-business owners and artisans group called Jamaat-i with the 19 digit 'There was another group called the Alevi. These groups in the region is understood to have first settled in the Turks gave a tax on lump-sum. These are also included among the servants of the woman and subasi

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